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Current top picks:


Jan 17 Insider/Hopkins buys BRN
Insider/Dixon buys MKZR
Insider/Corley buys RXST
Insider/Goldstein buys FIS
Insider/Gatzke buys DAKT
Insider/Carty buys THFF
Insider/Merk buys ASA
Insider/Little buys KYN
Insider/Distenfeld buys AWF
Insider/Korsmo buys NONE
Insider buys N/A
Insider/Meade buys CHMG
Jan 16 Insider/Woolstenhulme buys UFCS
Insider/Lepore buys MNLO
Insider/Suckling buys BLTH
Insider/Adent buys NEOG
Jan 15 Insider buys FLWS
Insider/Bacic buys HPI
Insider/Bacic buys HPF
Insider/Kumar buys ANIX
Insider/Bacic buys HPS
Insider/Bacic buys HTD
Insider/Gutterman buys KERN
Insider/Bacic buys HEQ
Insider/Waterfield buys JOB
Insider/Pinnow buys COGT
Insider buys IMVT
Insider/Bacic buys JHS
Insider/Bacic buys JHI
Insider/Bacic buys PDT
Jan 14 Insider/Ende buys AVDL
Insider/Gabelli buys GGZ
Insider/Niblock buys LW
Insider/Gray buys MODV
Insider/Cohen buys DBI
Sep 30 George Soros/Soros Fund buys SW
Davidson Kempner buys SPY/Put
Davidson Kempner buys SPOT
Davidson Kempner buys SBUX
Davidson Kempner increases FRPT
Baker Bros. buys GPCR
Baker Bros. buys IONS
Baker Bros. buys ARVN
John Paulson buys SWN
Paul Singer/Elliot closes IBB/Put
Paul Singer/Elliot closes RSP/Put
Paul Singer/Elliot buys SPY/Put
Paul Singer/Elliot increases XLE/Call
Paul Singer/Elliot decreases QQQ/Call
Philippe Laffont/Coatue buys RMD
Philippe Laffont/Coatue buys DASH
Philippe Laffont/Coatue buys CDNS
Tiger Global buys SHW
Tiger Global buys FLUT
Tiger Global buys CPNG
Michael Burry/Scion closes HPP
Michael Burry/Scion decreases REAL
Michael Burry/Scion increases FOUR
Michael Burry/Scion increases JD/Put
Michael Burry/Scion decreases ACIC
George Soros/Soros Fund closes SMH/Put
George Soros/Soros Fund closes RIVN/Call
George Soros/Soros Fund closes TLT/Put
David Tepper/Appaloosa buys LVS
George Soros/Soros Fund buys XLU/Put
George Soros/Soros Fund decreases RIVN
George Soros/Soros Fund buys MCHP
George Soros/Soros Fund decreases LITE
George Soros/Soros Fund buys IWM/Call
George Soros/Soros Fund buys IVV
George Soros/Soros Fund decreases HYG/Put
George Soros/Soros Fund buys GPN
George Soros/Soros Fund buys DBX
George Soros/Soros Fund increases DOCN
George Soros/Soros Fund decreases COST/Put
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys MU
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys EWW
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys F
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater increases DECK
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys CVE
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys BTI
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys BAC
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys ASML
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys BABA
Ray Dalio/Bridgewater buys AES